Therapy for Sexual Health

Do you want to communicate your desires to your partner, but don't know how? Do you need guidelines for alternative relationship models or need help to find your authentic sexual self?

Maybe you have been exposed to different sex-negative messages, from the media, religion, education or even your own family upbringing. This type of misinformation can lead to you feeling ashamed of your sexuality that is actually perfectly healthy.

How can this shame manifest?

  • Feeling unable to express your inner desires

  • Loss of sex drive

  • Fear of exploring your body as well as your sexuality in a safe and healthy way

How CBT can help

I am an LGBTQIA+, non-monogamy and other types of alternative relationships affirmative therapist.

We will work together to help you rediscover your authentic sexual self and relieve the stigma and other obstacles that may have negatively impacted your relationships and sexuality. Together, we’ll use modern tools to develop your psychological, emotional, ethical, philosophical and sexual path.

Develop curiosity and compassion about your inner life.